
#40: Prince Caspian

Lewis, C.S.. Prince Caspian. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1951. Print. 184 pages.
SETTING: The magical land of Narnia!
SUMMARY: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy find themselves unsuspectingly transported back to Narnia, this time to find the magical world drastically changed from how they had left it one year prior.
FAVORITE QUOTE: "'That's the worst of girls,' said Edmund to Peter and the Dwarf.  'They never can carry a map in their heads.'

'That's because our heads have something inside them,' said Lucy." - Chapter 9, page 99.

As mentioned in the previous post (http://artemisiaeupraxia.blogspot.com/2014/06/39-lion-witch-and-wardrobe.html), this is my chosen series for the summer.  This is going to be a fairly short post because much of what I wrote for the first book is applicable to the second book.  Instead of the usual list of likes and dislikes, I'm just going to create a brief list of points I'd like to share.
  1. Edmund becomes a much more likable character.  I actually respected him this time around.
  2. There seemed to be more references to Greek and Roman mythology versus Christian stories in this second book.  However, this could be a biased observation.  It's very possible that this time around I paid more attention to the mythology references because I missed so many of them in the first book.  The Christian allegories were pretty straightforward, as they were in the first book.
  3. One allegory that I thought was cleverly portrayed was the whole concept of having faith in something you cannot see, specifically referring to the four siblings' faith in Aslan and his presence even when he was not in front of them.  The author is paralleling this to the Christian tenant of always believing in Jesus, even when Christians do not feel (or "see") his presence.  Even though I'm not Christian, I fully appreciate the author's writing skills and his ability to portray this concept so smoothly.
  4. Doctor Cornelius' character.  He was integral in shaping Caspian's character and maturation into adulthood.
  5. The adorable names some of these characters have!  Reepicheep, Trufflehunter, and Trumpkin, to name a few.  Such cute names, and yet they're pretty deadly characters...
I'm going to take a break before starting the third book in the series, (1) because I don't have it on me and (2) I have three other books lined up to read.  I will pick up the third book very soon, no worries!  Also, I think my summer reading is going to go much slower than planned... Why?  World Cup!  Between two and six hours (depending on who is playing) are dedicated to soccer every day!
Recommend?  Yes.

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