
INTRODUCTION: I. can't. sleep.

In response to a fit of insomnia brought about by jet lag from a recent trip approximately 8,000 miles away, I've decided to start a blog! About books. And how much I love them. Sometimes more than people, as already indicated above. It will be filled with my own incredibly important and useful reviews, which will be promptly posted as soon as I finish reading a book. You will then use these reviews to create your own reading list, because I read only awesome books that you should also read. Actually, I'll give almost any book a chance, even some not-so-awesome ones.

How do I pick the books I read? Why, I judge them by their covers! And dimensions and font. In general, if the book doesn't look and feel like a good read, I won't pick it up. Luckily, this selection criteria is broad and my definition of what is a nice cover, and the right dimensions and font vary by the season. So I don't think I've missed out on too many good books solely because I do pick and choose based on aesthetics.

I'm creating this blog more for my own entertainment than anything else, but I do hope anyone who reads this will enjoy the posts, and contribute their own thoughts as well. As for the name "Artemisia Eupraxia," I've always fancied that if I ever write a novel, there will be a character with that name.

Happy reading!

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