
#36: Pride and Prejudice (take two)

Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice. New York: Barnes and Nobles Inc., 2007. Print. Pages 199-405.

(I read the novel out of a Barnes and Nobles compilation edition of all seven of Austen's major works.)
Yes, I reread Pride and Prejudice.  For the tenth time now?  I've lost count at this point, but I've made it a habit to reread it every year or so, and the last time I had the pleasure was April 2012, so it was a most welcome endeavor.  Every time I reread this novel I find something else that I like about it, so I'll skip the usual format and just write about what was new this time around or not included in the previous post.  If you'd like to read my post from April 2012, here you go: http://artemisiaeupraxia.blogspot.com/2012/04/2-pride-and-prejudice.html.
FAVORITE QUOTE: "'... Women fancy admiration means more than it does.'
'And men take care that they should.'" - Volume 2, Chapter 1, page 284.  
New things I liked about this book:
  1. It's hilarious!  I didn't realize until this time around just how funny this book is.  There are so many witty lines and they're all absolutely hilarious!  I read most of the book sitting at the bar at Busboys and Poets, and every other page I was silently cracking up.  Pretty sure people thought I was a little bit crazy, especially because this Barnes and Nobles compilation I was reading out of looks like a copy of the Bible.  (Evidence: I briefly left to use the restroom and I placed the book on the bar counter top, closed and cover up, and when I got back the bartender looked at me and started laughing because she thought I was reading the Bible and couldn't figure out why I kept silently giggling and smiling.)
  2. Elizabeth.  I love her character.  She's so kickass for a 19th century British woman.
  3. It, yet again, reminded me of just how lucky I am to be living my life at this time.  I've noticed that I gravitate to this book whenever I'm frustrated with life and I start having those "I should just get an MRS. degree and marry rich" thoughts.  After reading the book, I'm back to wanting nothing but self-sufficiency and my independence.  Incredibly stupid that reading this novel is what gets my thoughts back on track?  No doubt about it.  But it works, so I'm okay with it.  
I suppose I'm slowly accepting that being this obsessed with a single book is weird.  We'll categorize reading this novel as one of my guilty pleasures, because it surely can't be a healthy habit...
Recommend?  Yes x100000000000.