SETTING: Same as the first book in the series (A Game of Thrones: http://artemisiaeupraxia.blogspot.com/2013/05/27-game-of-thrones.html)
The story takes place in three separate settings, following three separate, yet connected, story lines:
- The Seven Kingdoms, a nation on the continent of Westeros.
- The Wall (an actual wall made of ice, stone, and magic) that separates the Seven Kingdoms from the North.
- The East, in various areas, following the Dothraki people.
SUMMARY: The death of King Robert Baratheon leads to the rise of five different kings in the Seven Kingdoms and war to determine who will be the one king ruling the nation. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen is still deep in her efforts to regain her land and title, and the Night's Watch is wary of an unknown foe that is descending on the land as winter slowly takes over.
FAVORITE QUOTE: "The longer he lived, the more Tyrion realized that nothing was simple and little was true." - page 273.
I bought a new book for myself! It goes against all my normal personal book buying habits, but it had to be done. The wait list for the library would have taken a few years to deliver the book, and none of my friends in Southern California had a copy I could borrow. So I convinced myself that this will most likely be a series I will want to reread; thus, having my own collection will be beneficial.
Things I liked about this book:
- Super anticipation while reading it. I couldn't wait to finish one chapter so I could get to the next. On that note, please refer to point #1 under "Things I didn't like about this book."
- The vastly different personalities of the five kings. They are all different from each other in very specific ways, and its interesting to see the character development. Some are expounded on more thoroughly than others, but you're still left with a pretty great understanding of their character.
- Arya! She's still my favorite!
- Brienne. Her character is so unexpected and great.
- It. Was. So. Slow. I heard the second book in the series sets up for the third, and I'm hoping that's a truth because I kept waiting for great, dramatic things to happen. A few awesome things did happen closer to the end of this book, but it was otherwise a drag.
Character's who annoyed me/I disliked in this book:
- Theon Greyjoy. Hated, hated, hated him. Even looking at him from a psychological perspective did not make me like him more.
- Catelyn Stark. She's becoming increasingly annoying.
- The obvious ones- Joffrey, Cersei, etc.
Even though I was excited about this book, it actually took me a while to finish it. There were some trips I took in between starting and ending the book that caused some delay, but it was also because there were times when I would become frustrated with the lack of activity. The first book was so exciting! I expected it to extend to the second book. But I guess it's like the second Lord of the Rings movie: not all that exciting but necessary because it sets up for the epicness in the third movie (I haven't read the books... I refuse to because I saw the movies first and I'm afraid of ruining the image I love so much of the story). I just started the third book and it better deliver!!!
Recommend? Yes! You can't go straight to the third, so you need to read this one.