Collins, Suzanne: Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic, 2009. Print. 391 pages.
SETTING: The country of Panem (a post-apocalyptic world where North America once existed), sometime in the future.
SUMMARY: Every 25 years, a special edition of the Hunger Games is held, and with the 75th Hunger Games approaching and Panem in a state of unrest after the conclusion of the 74th Hunger Games, tension and rebellious rumblings are growing. The rules have become such that the authorities will not hesitate to make changes that will preserve the "peace" and stop a repeat of the unrest that led to the formation of the Hunger Games 75 years ago.
FAVORITE QUOTE: "'It's good. You're good with this healing stuff,' he says. 'It's in your blood.'
'No,' I say, shaking my head. 'I got my father's blood.' The kind that quickens during a hunt, not an epidemic." - Chapter 22, page 322.
After the kick-assness that was exhibited in Book One, with the excellent descriptions of the blood, gore, and mayhem that is the Hunger Games, I started Book Two with the assumption that I'd find myself comfortably situated in a similar atmosphere. To be blunt, I was gravely disappointed. The first half of the book is too mushy for my taste, and the second half did not live up to my expectations. The ending redeemed the story in the slightest of ways, but I'm also aware that I'll probably have to read the third installment before I can make a final decision regarding the merit of the entire series. Again, referring to The Lord of the Rings, the second movie became my favorite after I watched the third movie. Perhaps something similar will happen? You'll have to wait until I finish and review Book Three to find out!
Things I liked about this book:
- Individuals who should be adversaries team up for a central cause. I love stories where people from different backgrounds, who are expected to kill each other at the first opportunity as is the case in this scenario, join together to fight for a common goal.
- The toxic fog/gas that causes nerve failure and muscle spasms. The biology enthusiast in me was very excited by the mechanics of this event!
- The arena designed as a clock, although I thought they figured it out just a little too quickly.
- Wedding dress --> POOF! FLAMES! --> Mockingjay dress.
- Waaaaaaaaay too hormonal for the first half. Does Katniss love Peeta? Or does she love Gale? Who will she sacrifice her life for??? Sorry, Ms. Collins, but I don't care! I love romance, but I don't have much appreciation for teenage romantic drama. I'm also surrounded by enough of this type of thinking in everyday life, and I look to books to provide an escape from reality. This book did not do that for the first 266 pages. There was potential for the romantic aspect of this series to go somewhere, but there wasn't enough development of the emotions between Katniss and Peeta, and Katniss and Gale. All the reader receives is Katniss' constant revisitation of who should receive her affection and loyalty.
- Dresses and makeup and ribbons and glitter and too much girly stuff for my taste.
- Not enough Hunger Games action!
I'm going to give Book Three a try, but I've decided to take a little break from the series before doing so. With so many people saying they love the series, it only seems right to give it a fair chance to end and redeem itself, rather than start it when I'm still reeling from the disappointment of the direction Book Two was taken by the author.
Recommend? Yes, but only because it's a shame to start a trilogy and not end it.